Agent Installation

Install Oracle JDK 1.7

  • Download Oracle JDK 1.7 (OpenJDK is not supported, use Oracle JDK)

  • Install to /opt/abakus/java/jdk7/ (you may install in any folder, but chosing a non-default location will require a line of configuration in On Windows, use default installation directory when possible.

Linux (as root):
cd /opt/abakus/java/
tar zxvf jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz
ln -s jdk1.7.0_67 jdk7
Windows (as Administrator):
run jdk-7u67-windows-x64.exe (you may use default installation options)

Prepare "APPM Installation Root" folder

Basically you need to create a folder where this is installed, usually this folder is /opt/abakus/ (or whatever you have configured in appm-monitor for "APPM Installation Root"). You need to be root/Administrator because only super-user may be allowed to create such folder. You should change the ownership of create folder to oracle:dba or whichever user has sysdba access to every Oracle instance running on this server. If this is not Oracle Database server, use any user who has privileges to execute checks.

Linux (as root):
mkdir -p /opt/abakus/
chown -R oracle:dba /opt/abakus/
Windows (as Administrator):
 create folder C:\opt\abakus\ and allow LOCAL_SERVICE all permissions.

Install APPM Cron

Login to appm-monitor, select the host to which you’re installing. Click download: Note that downloaded file, install-<server>.zip, is built on-the-fly to include selected hosts’s configuration. Once downloaded, copy the install-<server>.zip to /opt/abakus/ and extract it’s contents to this folder (it should create ./appm_cron/ subfolder).

Linux (as root):
cp /path/to/downloaded/install-<server>.zip /opt/abakus/
cd /opt/abakus/
chown -R oracle:dba appm*
Windows (as Administrator):
unzip install-<server>.zip to C:\opt\abakus\

If you have installed JDK to non-standard path or you’re using Windows, then change following line in /opt/abakus/appm_cron/ accordingly, like: java.home=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\

Run installation script

This should setup init script, symlinks, os-dependent config and so on…​

Linux (as root):
cd /opt/abakus/
Windows (as Administrator):
run C:\opt\abakus\appm_cron\util\windows-service-installer.cmd

Run post installation script as appm owner (usually oracle)

Linux (as oracle):
/opt/abakus/appm_cron/util/ --run scripts.install.Install --log-console
Windows (as oracle):
"C:\Program Files\Abakus\appm_cron\util\runCron.cmd" --run scripts.install.Install --log-console

Create symbolic links to /opt/abakus/appm_cron/ in user’s (the one who will run scripts and checks) directory.

Linux (as oracle):
ln -s /opt/abakus/appm ~/appm
ln -s /opt/abakus/appm_cron ~/appm_cron
ln -s /opt/abakus/appm_data ~/appm_data
Windows (as oracle):
mklink /D %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\appm "C:\Program Files\Abakus\appm\"
mklink /D %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\appm_cron "C:\Program Files\Abakus\appm_cron\"
mklink /D %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\appm_data "C:\Program Files\Abakus\appm_data\"


Amon Agent runs as a service and it executes tasks (checks/scripts) in it’s threads. However, we may need additional control over some more important tasks and that’s why we use external scheduler. We also use it because some of the scripts may need additional resources (memory/cpu) which low-spec agent can not provide.

Linux Cron

# APPM Backup
0    1 * * * ~/appm_cron/util/ --run scripts.Backup --run-sid orac > /tmp/backup.orac.log 2>&1

# APPM Stand-By Recover
10 */1 * * * ~/appm_cron/util/ --run scripts.StandbyRecover --run-sid orac > /tmp/standby_recover.orac.log 2>&1

# APPM Copy Logs
*/10 * * * * ~/appm_cron/util/ --run scripts.CopyLogs --run-sid orac > /tmp/copy_logs.orac.log 2>&1

Windows Task Scheduler

We recommend creation of wrappers in C:\Program Files\Abakus\appm_data\bin for each scheduled script.

schtasks /create /sc daily /st 01:00 /tn "orac-backup" /tr "C:\Program Files\Abakus\appm_data\bin\orac_backup.cmd"
schtasks /create /sc daily /st 01:10 /ri 60 /tn "orac-recover" /tr "C:\Program Files\Abakus\appm_data\bin\orac_recover.cmd"
schtasks /create /sc minute /mo 10 /tn "orac-copylogs" /tr "C:\Program Files\Abakus\appm_data\bin\orac_copylogs.cmd"