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Deja Vu

The success of you business largely depends on your business applications. These are working with an ever-increasing amounts of data. When developing, analyzing, debugging or testing new versions of applications, the data you are working with needs to be as similar to production data as possible. The best and most reliable results are accomplished when developing applications using a copy of production data. This makes it easy to troubleshoot and avoid problems after putting the application into production environment.

Creation of a production database copy normally uses a lot of resources. Ideally you would want to get a ready-made copy on demand within a couple of minutes whenever needed. Sometimes it would be awesome to get a point-in time copy of such a database for debugging purposes.

Deja Vu is a piece of software that enables you to create virtual database instances on-demand (DBaaS or DaaS). As a result you get a full copy of either the current production database or a production database as it was at a certain point in the past. You may work with these databases as you would with production databases.

Deja Vu is built on top of the Active Backup Server.


  • Creation of virtual copies of production database within minutes.
  • Minimal usage of additional disk space.
  • Virtual copies can be created by users with just a few clicks.
  • Supports multiple parallel virtual copies of the same data.
  • Support for creation of point-in-time copies of production data.


Virtualization market offers many products that enable migration of your infrastructure to the virtual environment. The database layer, however, still remains within the physical realms.

Abakus has developed procedures that provide virtualization of production databases. More than one virtual copy of one or more databases can be made available to many users. Creation of such virtual copies does NOT require:

  • large investments into storage equipment,
  • long periods of time to copy the production data,
  • extra resources (DBAs, system administrators,..).

Deja Vu creates a one-time copy of a database which can then be synchronously updated with the live production database using archive logs.

Deja Vu eliminates the bottleneck that usually appears while testing procedures when developing new solutions. Developers can work on more variants of their solutions in parallel without the need for extra investments in storage systems. It instantly creates a virtual copy of a database.

Deja Vu focuses on three major areas that other virtualization technologies left out:

  1. Decreasing the need for more disk space when it comes to various non-production uses of the database such as development, testing, procedure troubleshooting, point-in time analysis, etc. A typical organization needs several copies of production database for development, testing and pre-production. Deja Vu does not use much space when creating virtual copies as it only needs space to write data changes (differences from current to originating data).
  2. Working in parallel, the efficiency of development effort gets increased dramatically. Developers no longer need to wait for one another to move forward with their work as every one of them can work using their own virtual copy.
  3. Increasing the accuracy and efficiency while working in pre-production environments. Parallel virtual copies enable developers to make comparisons between the states before and after the testing procedures have run.

Deja Vu enables developers to accurately test errors that appear within production environments. A typical case would be, for example, when users come to work on Monday and they find out that Friday's job resulted in error. Developers can then quickly set up a virtual database at that point in time when Friday's job started and re-run the same job on the same set of data. They can run this test many times over and find the exact cause of error.


Documentation / title Document type
User manual .html | .pdf
Product brochure (eng) .pdf